A few nights ago, i dreamt that i was with a bunch of people in this old dark building. we were actually hiding out. we used candle light. it was dusk outside. all of a sudden, everyone was leaving. i remembered i left my jacket in the other room. i decided to go and retrieve it. i looked down the hall, there was no light source, just total darkness. i stopped, stood there. thinking "i ain't gonna go over there!" Lol. i turned around. an' i was alone! everyone was already gone! IT WASN'T A BUILDING ANYMORE, it was a cave!! *gasp!* loljk. i walked to the exit. it was blocked. i was locked in! i tried to get out. but i couldn't! big chains locked the entrance. i managed to look out tho, thru some sort of window with thick bars. i seen the others boarding a bus, being lead away. by soldiers. i backed up. "OOHH" i said. i looked around and realized that the candles were going out. *a sob escaped* i was alone. something caught the corner of my left eye. i spotted a little dot of light. i walked over. i picked at it. a little piece came off. i picked at it, again. another piece came off. the hole got bigger. the light shone brighter. soon i was ripping away the darkness. the glorious light, penetrated the darkness! i stepped into the light. i was part of the light. then i woke up. lol.
my dream last night, was kinda disturbing to me. i dreamt i was being held against my will, once again. this time by 4 hillbilly looking guys. three of them were holding sledge hammers. i felt afraid, i knew they were going to hurt me. bust up my knee caps. they kept eyeballin' me & grinnin' at me. i was just waiting for it. yiii!! i remember pleading and leaning over, to one of them. he had long, greasy stringy hair. LOL. he took pity to me though. he didn't let any of the others harm me *whew* i remember making a cup of iced tea and taking a sip.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
A Personal Battle ~ Spiritual Warfare
I started fostering again. This time, my nephew Gavin. He just turned 11, on November 20. We actually share a birthday. It's kinda neat, don't ya think? Yea, I know you agree. So anyway, it all began in early June of this year. The child care agency "Tikinagan Child & Family Services" called and asked me to foster my nephew.
I kind of agreed, but i wasn't really sure if i should. 'Cause of my nephew's condition. He was diagnosed with FAS/FAE (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Effects) when he was younger. His late mother drank while he was in her. His condition is more 'effects'. He behaviour is affected. Very affected. LOL. But, he is such a great boy when he wants to be. He even admitted to his cousin Joshim, that he can be naughty when he wants to. lol.
My nephew, Gavin, tends to make up stories, like lies. It's a normal thing to him. He does not think of the consequences of his tall tales *L* He use to get some people into trouble by saying things, like being physically abused. He also loved to steal. Just to see what he could get away with. I would find quite a stash of things in his room. Like chalk from school, lighters, cigarettes, even though i don't smoke.
Okay, now. Let's get to the good stuff. LOL.jk. It's not good, it's actually dark, not of light. I've noticed that he was starting to misbehave constantly, away from home. Oh, he was an angel at home *L* When school started. It went well for the first couple of weeks. I would tell him every day to be good and to listen to his teacher, and most importantly...do not bother the other kids (he's known to pester others until physical violence is imposed on him). He would be disruptive in class, constantly chatter, tease and throw things at others, thinking he was funny. Some could not take it any more. He would come home with bloody noses & shiners. He was even choked out by one of his cousin's *sigh* and got his head slammed against the wall a few times. Kids! :O
I was at my wit's end LOL. I finally asked him "why are you always misbehaving? why do you have to steal and lie? His reply would be "I don't know" Then i asked him, "okay Gavin i want you to tell me the truth now" "are you hearing things? is something telling you to be bad?" "are you seeing things?"
He said "Yes!" *whew* I knew it. Now it was making sense. I know he has behavioral problems, but it was just ridiculous! LOL. He said, "I hear a loud voice and a softer voice. The loud voice sounds evil. Bad. The quieter voice is soft, he can barely hear it, cause of the loud voice. So this loud voice, has been telling him to be bad, to swear, to pick on his younger nephew & niece, to steal and to lie...to be outright 'naughty'! lol his own word. He also said, he's been listening to it ever since he first started hearing it (which was in June, when he came to live with me).
I then asked him about what he sees. He said, it was bothering him at night and that it woke him up. It stood over him, by his bed. I told him to describe it. He told me, it was a dark shadow and that it had 4 eyes. He also said, it would poke him all over. I was like "Oh!" He use to complain about having sore legs in the morning. "As if something was poking me, last night". NOW, I started to get worried for him.
I asked his dad, my brother, if he was dedicated when he was a baby. He said, "No". I was like "NO??" So that was another piece of the puzzle of Gavin Morrisseau! *L* The next day, I called up my Pastor and told him about what has been happening. I told him, I wanted my house prayed for and blesssed...an' that i wanted my nephew dedicated to the Lord. He agreed. It is not safe for a child to go on living without being dedicated. It is a must for believers. So, it was arranged.
It happened on a Wednesday night (October 30). We went to church for his dedication. During the service, he got up & walked. Getting restless. He said, he went outside for awhile. When he came back, he sat down next to me and said, "Lisa, I seen the dark shadow again" I said, "where?" He said, "next door, at the playground" It was just standing there staring at me". Eventually, he got up again. I guess, he had to go and look again. He came back, this time he told me, he saw another shadow, but this one was waving at him (looked friendly). He then said, the dark shadow was fleeing, the one that bothered him.
Finally, we were called up. The Pastors, the congregation and some elders came up to the front. Pastor David, asked me, if i would raise him up good to know the Lord...an' to guide & teach him the way. I replied "yes". They then laid their hands on him and then on me. The Pastor anointed us with oil and dedicated Gavin to the Lord. After all was done, we went back & sat down. A few minutes later, Gavin leans over & asks "is it raining?" I said "Oh, you hear rain?" he says "Yea" I told him "well, you're probably hearing Heaven's rain, falling down on us!" He goes "EeeeHeee!" *L* We had a good laugh. We were so refreshed. Happy. Yay! We were touched by God that night!
So the next day, was Halloween. The Pastors came over (David and Randy). We talked for abit. They asked questions about the house. I told them, I have experienced paranormal activity before and that it was nothing new to me. BUT, i was more concerned for my nephew's safety. An' that I didn't want him to be frightened by this thing anymore ~ It definitely is not a human spirit, but a dark spirit, since it is able to touch and manifest. They agreed. The room that had the most activity was a bedroom, but i had the walls taken off. It is now, like an extra living room. That is where i have my big t.v. So it's open. Gavin says, he seen & felt it there the most. I use to wonder why he would be afraid to be alone in the house. I left him alone, during the day, before school started & I began working again on August 12. He told me, he would hear scratches or bangs on the wall while he was watching t.v. in my room.
I use to experience alot of things in my home. I guess, I just got use to it. My grown nephews and nieces all have had experiences. lol. Poor kids. Haha. They are all grown now. Ya, so...the pastors began. They prayed and walked throughout the house, anointing everywhere and everything. So good, I tell ya! Even my pets feel so at ease now. They don't sleep in my room anymore, they sleep out there in the living rooms. Just great, I now sleep alone in my bedroom!! LOL jk. As they blessed the house, it got too powerful for me. I started crying! Wow. I felt the power of God come to the house. The Blood of Jesus was pleaded over us, over the house and over the dog & cat. Hutton & Rubby, my fur boys! LOL. I felt shaky, I felt the power of the Holy Ghost. OOH WEEE!! lol.
My nephew Gavin stared at me, wondering what was wrong with me. LOL. *sheesh* That boy! He doesn't realize what auntie is doing for him. Battling for him!! an' I Won!! After they left, Gavin took off right away to go trick or treating. geez. I tried to keep him home. So, I was left alone. I started praising and thanking the Lord for sending His servants to me that day! I felt so wonderful. Peaceful. Protected! Everyone who comes to my place now, feels it, something good. Something that passes all understanding. It is pure LOVE, the love of the Heavenly Father.
So, Gavin says he hasn't seen anything and hasn't heard anything since. But he still has his moments. At school. He got suspended for 2 days. He stabbed another kid in the back with a pencil. Yiii!! I was shocked, I was practically in tears when the principal called me at work. I am on the verge of a mental collapse! loljk. Nah, i am not. But i tell ya, he is testing my patience and he is pushing his limits.
I know, breathe! BREATHE! Sometimes i just wanna throw in the towel. But there is no one else who will take him. I will continue to do my best to care for him. For as long as the Lord wills. When he hits his high school years, that will be the time for him to "git!" lol. Hopefully, he can return to his dad instead of staying in foster care until he is 18.
So can you, pray for me! Hehehe. To make it through this chapter of my life. I look forward to the next chapter tho. Gavin-free! *L* I love joking around with me. Making him laugh. He has a weird laugh to boot! My favorite is when i ask him "An' who are you? AND what are you doing in my house?" Haha. He just laughs like crazy! *L*
So can you, pray for me! Hehehe. To make it through this chapter of my life. I look forward to the next chapter tho. Gavin-free! *L* I love joking around with me. Making him laugh. He has a weird laugh to boot! My favorite is when i ask him "An' who are you? AND what are you doing in my house?" Haha. He just laughs like crazy! *L*
YES, I look forward to going out into the world! I plan on going overseas!! Do some missionary work. The government better approve my passport application! LOL. I wanna go save souls for the kingdom of God. Oh yea! oh yea!
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